Aloha mis Beautyes!! Ante todo,
por las fechas en las que estamos, desearos unas felices Fiestas a todas! Una
vez dicho esto, asegurar que el post de hoy no es ninguna inocentada...
Jejejejee, y ahora si que si… Hoy os vengo con una nueva entrega de Pasando
Revista… En esta ocasión os quiero hablar sobre un producto que últimamente me
ha ayudado muchísimo, y que está contribuyendo a dar un cambio en positivo a mi
El producto en concreto es el BHA BlackHead, este producto es un exfoliante químico que sirve para
eliminar imperfecciones y mejorar el tono de la piel. Dicen de él que es el peor
enemigo para los puntos negros e imperfecciones. Y que ayuda a obtener una piel
sin defectos. El BHA Blackhead Powder Liquid nos proporciona una exfoliación
para prevenir la aparición de los tan molestos puntos negros, a la misma vez
que ilumina y consigue un tono de piel más uniforme, lucha contra las manchas e
imperfecciones incluso antes de que aparezcan y mantiene una piel suave y lisa.
Entre sus ingredientes podemos encontrar:
Corteza de Sauce, que sustituye al agua purificada y
es un ingrediente que nos ayuda a aumentar la salud de nuestra piel. Niacimida,
que como ya sabemos, es un ingrediente con propiedades blanqueantes y también Betaina
Salicilato, gracias a este ultimo ingrediente conseguiremos que nuestra piel
luzca mucho más bonita, luminosa y suave. Este producto tiene un lisado de ingredientes
bastante mas reducido alo que estamos habitudas, pero todos los componentes que
lo forman son de buena calidad y
altamente eficaces.
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Aloha my Beautyes !! First of all, for the dates in which we are, wish you a Happy Holidays to all! Having
said that, I assure you that today's post is not innocent ...
Jejejejee, and now if yes ... Today I come with a new delivery of
Passing Magazine ... This time I want to talk about a product that
lately has me Helped a lot, and that is contributing to give a positive change to my skin.
The product in particular is BHA BlackHead, this product is a chemical exfoliant that serves to eliminate imperfections and improve the tone of the skin. They say he is the worst enemy for blackheads and imperfections. And that helps you get flawless skin. The BHA Blackhead Powder Liquid gives us an exfoliation to prevent the appearance of so annoying blackheads, at the same time that it illuminates and obtain a more even skin tone, fight against stains and imperfections even before they appear and maintain a skin Smooth and smooth.
The product in particular is BHA BlackHead, this product is a chemical exfoliant that serves to eliminate imperfections and improve the tone of the skin. They say he is the worst enemy for blackheads and imperfections. And that helps you get flawless skin. The BHA Blackhead Powder Liquid gives us an exfoliation to prevent the appearance of so annoying blackheads, at the same time that it illuminates and obtain a more even skin tone, fight against stains and imperfections even before they appear and maintain a skin Smooth and smooth.
Among its ingredients we can find:
Willow bark, which replaces purified water and is an ingredient that helps us increase the health of our skin. Niacimida, which as we know, is an ingredient with whitening properties and also Betaine Salicylate, thanks to this last ingredient we will make our skin look much more beautiful, luminous and smooth. This product has a lysate of ingredients much smaller than we are habituated, but all the components that form it are of good quality and highly effective.
Willow bark, which replaces purified water and is an ingredient that helps us increase the health of our skin. Niacimida, which as we know, is an ingredient with whitening properties and also Betaine Salicylate, thanks to this last ingredient we will make our skin look much more beautiful, luminous and smooth. This product has a lysate of ingredients much smaller than we are habituated, but all the components that form it are of good quality and highly effective.
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La textura de este tratamiento es líquida, sin llegar a ser
tan liviana como el agua, su absorción es buena, se absorbe bien sin dejar ninguna sensación
grasienta ni pegajosa. Pero nunca debemos olvidar lo que luego os explicare mas abajo,
que es que hay que esperar después de haberlo aplicado para poder proseguir con
el resto de productos de la rutina, ya que, en caso contrario, los demás productos
no serán absorbidos correctamente por nuestra piel. ¡No quiero ser pesada con
el tema, pero es que es muy importante, y quiero dejarlo bien claro!
En cuanto a su Modo de Uso:
En la marca aconsejan aplicar una pequeña cantidad en
el área que queramos tratar por la mañana o la noche, después de haberse lavado
la cara.
Deberemos extender una cantidad uniforme, evitando el área
del contorno de ojos. Cabe destacar que si se utiliza este producto en la mañana
deberemos aplicar un protector solar.
Yo lo utilizo por las mañanas, después de haber lavado
bien mi rostro y haber aplicado el tónico ( a dia de hoy estoy utilizando el
Supple Preparation Facial Toner de Klairs), aplico este producto con la ayuda
de un algodoncillo, únicamente en las zonas que quiero tratar. Decir que se
debe dejar pasar unos minutillos antes de proseguir con el resto de productos
de nuestra rutina, para que este sea completamente absorbido, ya que, de no
hacerlo así, los demás productos que apliques a continuación no podrán ser absorbidos
de manera correcta por nuestra piel, y perderán efectividad. Una vez hayan
pasado dichos minutitos, prosigo con mi rutina de manera habitual, con la
esencia, serúm, etc…
Explicar también, que la razón por la que utilizo este
producto en las mañanas es porque a día de hoy en mi rutina de noche estoy
empleando el tónico con BHA de Benton junto con el hermano de este del que os
hablo en este post, que es el AHA7 White Head Power Liquid, y del que os
hablare en el siguiente post de Pasando Revista… Así que decidí usar el BHA
BlackHead Liquid en las mañanas, aplicando al finalizar la rutina un buen
bloqueador solar, para no tener problemas, ya que este producto es un ácido, y
ya es sabido que los ácidos no son compatibles con la exposición solar.
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The texture of this treatment is liquid, without becoming as light as water, its absorption is good, absorbed well without leaving any greasy or sticky. But we must never forget what I will explain below, which is that we must wait after having applied it to be able to continue with the rest of the products of the routine, otherwise, the other products will not be absorbed correctly by our skin. I do not want to be heavy on the subject, but it's very important, and I want to make it clear!
As for its Mode of Use:
In the mark advise to apply a small amount in the area that we want to treat in the morning or the night, after having washed the face.
We must extend a uniform amount, avoiding the area of the eye contour. It should be noted that if you use this product in the morning we must apply a sunscreen.
I use it in the morning, after having thoroughly washed my face and applied the tonic (I am using Klairs' Supple Preparation Facial Toner), I apply this product with the help of a milkweed, only in areas that I want to try. Say that you should let some minutilles pass before proceeding with the rest of our routine products, so that it is completely absorbed, otherwise, if you do not do so, the other products you apply below can not be absorbed correctly by Our skin, and will lose effectiveness. Once these minutitos have passed, I continue with my routine in the usual way, with the essence, serum, etc ...
Also explain that the reason I use this product in the mornings is because to this day in my night routine I am using the tonic with BHA of Benton along with the brother of this of whom I speak in this post, which is The AHA7 White Head Power Liquid, and which I will talk about in the next post of Passing Magazine ... So I decided to use the BHA BlackHead Liquid in the morning, applying at the end of the routine a good sun block, so as not to have problems, since this Product is an acid, and it is already known that acids are not compatible with sun exposure.
*** *** *** *** *** ***
The texture of this treatment is liquid, without becoming as light as water, its absorption is good, absorbed well without leaving any greasy or sticky. But we must never forget what I will explain below, which is that we must wait after having applied it to be able to continue with the rest of the products of the routine, otherwise, the other products will not be absorbed correctly by our skin. I do not want to be heavy on the subject, but it's very important, and I want to make it clear!
As for its Mode of Use:
In the mark advise to apply a small amount in the area that we want to treat in the morning or the night, after having washed the face.
We must extend a uniform amount, avoiding the area of the eye contour. It should be noted that if you use this product in the morning we must apply a sunscreen.
I use it in the morning, after having thoroughly washed my face and applied the tonic (I am using Klairs' Supple Preparation Facial Toner), I apply this product with the help of a milkweed, only in areas that I want to try. Say that you should let some minutilles pass before proceeding with the rest of our routine products, so that it is completely absorbed, otherwise, if you do not do so, the other products you apply below can not be absorbed correctly by Our skin, and will lose effectiveness. Once these minutitos have passed, I continue with my routine in the usual way, with the essence, serum, etc ...
Also explain that the reason I use this product in the mornings is because to this day in my night routine I am using the tonic with BHA of Benton along with the brother of this of whom I speak in this post, which is The AHA7 White Head Power Liquid, and which I will talk about in the next post of Passing Magazine ... So I decided to use the BHA BlackHead Liquid in the morning, applying at the end of the routine a good sun block, so as not to have problems, since this Product is an acid, and it is already known that acids are not compatible with sun exposure.
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Opinión Personal:
Pues que decir… ¡Me está encantando!!! Era un poco escéptica
en cuanto a este producto se trataba, ya que como ya os comenté recientemente el
tónico AHA / BHA Clarifying Toner, de esta misma marca me había defraudado
bastante… ¡Y pensé que este producto iría en la misma línea, pero para nada,
señoras! ¡Debo decir que me ha sorprendido muy gratamente, y que me está dando
unos resultados estupendos y muy notables en poco tiempo! Podría decir que junto
con su hermano y el tónico BHA de Benton está cambiando mi piel hacia mejor. Veréis,
con el cambio de estación, lleve a cabo el cambio de rutina, de mi rutina de
verano a una con productos más indicados para el invierno y las necesidades que
tiene mi piel durante la época de frio, y debido al cambio de productos, me había
salido unos supermini puntitos blancos en la zona de la barbilla (más
concretamente justo en la parte de abajo del labio inferior) y también en la
zona de las aletas de la nariz. ¡Eran casi imperceptibles, pero yo sabía que
estaban ahí y me traían por el camino de la amargura, ya que quería hacerlas
desparecer! Jejeje, ¡Pues el caso es que con este producto + el AHA7 WhiteHead
Power Liquid + el Toner BHA de Benton, he conseguido borrar estos puntitos de
un soplido, en cuestión de muy pocos días empezaron a desparecer, y a día de
hoy puedo decir orgullosa que les he ganado la batalla! Pero la cosa no acaba aquí…
¡Por si esto fuera poco, también me ha ayudado a cerrar y limpiar mis poros,
evitando así que se formen puntos negros, y con cada día de su uso noto la piel
más y más suave y bonita!
¡Vamos que estoy súper agradecida de haber topado con
este producto y con esta combinación! ¡Llevo ya un tiempo sin ningún brote de
acné (ni los molestos granos hormonales de todos los meses…), tanto es así, que
lo recomiendo a pleno pulmón a todas aquellas chicas que sufráis estos
problemas, y que ya estoy mirando de comprar su reposición, para no quedarme
sin este preciado liquidillo tan potente, porque ha marcado un antes y un después
en mi piel!
*** *** *** *** *** ***
Personal opinion:Well, what to say ... I love it !!! I was a bit skeptical about this product, since as I mentioned recently the AHA / BHA Clarifying Toner tonic, of the same brand I had been disappointed enough ... And I thought that this product would go in the same line, but for Nothing, ladies! I must say that I was very pleasantly surprised, and that is giving me some great and remarkable results in a short time! I could say that along with his brother and the Benton tonic Benton is changing my skin for the better. You will see, with the change of season, to carry out the routine change, from my summer routine to one with products more indicated for the winter and the needs that my skin has during the cold season, and due to the change of products, I had a few extra white dots on the chin area (more precisely right on the bottom of the lower lip) and also on the area of the nostrils. They were almost imperceptible, but I knew they were there and they brought me down the path of bitterness, since I wanted to make them disappear! Well, the thing is that with this product + the AHA7 WhiteHead Power Liquid + the Benton Toner Benton, I have managed to erase these dots from a blow, in a matter of very few days began to disappear, and today I can say proud I have won the battle! But the thing does not end here ... If this were not enough, it has also helped me to close and clean my pores, thus avoiding black spots, and with each day of use I notice the skin more and more soft and beautiful!
Come on, I'm so grateful to have hit on this product and this combination! I have been without acne for some time (or the annoying hormonal grains of every month ...), so much so, that I recommend to all those girls who suffer these problems, and I am already looking to buy their Replenishment, not to be without this precious liquidillo so powerful, because it has marked a before and after in my skin!
*** *** *** *** *** ***
Personal opinion:Well, what to say ... I love it !!! I was a bit skeptical about this product, since as I mentioned recently the AHA / BHA Clarifying Toner tonic, of the same brand I had been disappointed enough ... And I thought that this product would go in the same line, but for Nothing, ladies! I must say that I was very pleasantly surprised, and that is giving me some great and remarkable results in a short time! I could say that along with his brother and the Benton tonic Benton is changing my skin for the better. You will see, with the change of season, to carry out the routine change, from my summer routine to one with products more indicated for the winter and the needs that my skin has during the cold season, and due to the change of products, I had a few extra white dots on the chin area (more precisely right on the bottom of the lower lip) and also on the area of the nostrils. They were almost imperceptible, but I knew they were there and they brought me down the path of bitterness, since I wanted to make them disappear! Well, the thing is that with this product + the AHA7 WhiteHead Power Liquid + the Benton Toner Benton, I have managed to erase these dots from a blow, in a matter of very few days began to disappear, and today I can say proud I have won the battle! But the thing does not end here ... If this were not enough, it has also helped me to close and clean my pores, thus avoiding black spots, and with each day of use I notice the skin more and more soft and beautiful!
Come on, I'm so grateful to have hit on this product and this combination! I have been without acne for some time (or the annoying hormonal grains of every month ...), so much so, that I recommend to all those girls who suffer these problems, and I am already looking to buy their Replenishment, not to be without this precious liquidillo so powerful, because it has marked a before and after in my skin!
*** *** *** *** *** ***
Por hoy esto es todo lo que tengo por contaros, decir
que el post que venga a continuación será otro Pasando Revista… sobre el
hermano de este, es decir os hablare sobre el AHA7 WhiteHead Power Liquid. ¡Espero
que os interesen estos productos, y que si tenéis alguna duda sobre ellos, como
digo siempre, no tengáis duda en dejarlo en los comentarios, que yo estar
encantada de resolver vuestras dudas! También me gustaría saber vuestra opinión,
en el caso de que lo hayáis probado…
¡Y no me extiendo más, nos vemos pronto chicas!
For today this is all I have to tell you, to say that the post that follows will be another Passing Magazine ... about his brother, that is to say I will tell you about the AHA7 WhiteHead Power Liquid. I hope you are interested in these products, and if you have any doubts about them, as I always say, do not hesitate to leave it in the comments, I would be happy to solve your doubts! I would also like to know your opinion, in the case that you have tried it ...
And I do not get more, see you soon girls!
Chao - Chao!
*** *** *** *** *** ***
For today this is all I have to tell you, to say that the post that follows will be another Passing Magazine ... about his brother, that is to say I will tell you about the AHA7 WhiteHead Power Liquid. I hope you are interested in these products, and if you have any doubts about them, as I always say, do not hesitate to leave it in the comments, I would be happy to solve your doubts! I would also like to know your opinion, in the case that you have tried it ...
And I do not get more, see you soon girls!
*** *** *** *** *** ***
Chao - Chao!
Hola!! Mi duda es sobre los poros. El problema que más me molesta de mi piel son los poros de la frente, no tengo puntos negros ni problemas de acné...Me interesaría saber si este producto me ayudaría a cerrarlos. Por otro lado al ser un ácido...Lo puedo combinar con otros ácidos retinóico, lactobionico? Mil gracias. Un saludo
ResponderEliminarHola guapisima, pues quiza si tu unico problema son los poros, podrias utilizar otro producto mas indicado para este asunto. Aunque definitivamente si, te ayudaria, ya que yo desde que ls uso noto mis poros mucho mas paretaditos y pasan mas despaercibidos. En cuanto a lo de combianrlo con otros acidos, yo los combino porque mi piel esta muy habituada a los acidos, y ya se como reacciona, yo lo que te recomendaria, seria alternarlos, por ejemplo: si usas este en la noche utilizar el otro acido en las mañanas, pero sin olvidarte despues de aplicar un buen protector solar...
EliminarHola de nuevo. Qué otro producto me recomendarías para el tema poros específicamente?
EliminarGracias , y feliz 2017!
Lo tengo antojado hace tiempo, haber si gasto cosas y lo cojo
ResponderEliminarPues la verdad, que vale muchisimo la pena,nena. En mi piel esta marcando un antes y un despues! asi que si te decides a probarlo, estare encantada de saber como te resulta a ti, guapi.
Hola, disculpa y qué otros productos utilizas después de este? además de el bloqueador? Tengo mucho problema averiguando en qué paso de mi rutina usarlo, y con qué no usarlo el mismo día v.v
ResponderEliminarGracias por adelantado ;)